
전화영어로 영어공부 중입니다....

healthyryu 2017. 8. 4. 11:32

저는 지금 전화영어로 영어공부 중입니다....



1. dehydate (verb) = cause (a person or a person's body) to lose a large amount of water.

* All this work out and running have dehydrated me.

-> 설사 얘기를 하다가 탈수 증상에 대한 얘기에서 나온 단어

2. risk (verb) = expose (someone or something valued) to danger, harm, or loss.

* I think investing your money into a new business is a risk.

3. fart (verb) = expel intestinal gases through the anus

 * The baby usually farts after drinking milk.

-> 당황스러운 상황이 언제냐했을때, 지하철에서 방귀가 나올때라고 하면서 알려준 단어

4. hooked (adjective) = captivated, absorbed.

*When I was young I also got hooked on animations and comics.

-> I'm into 에 대한 문장을 연습중 알려준 비슷한 뜻을 지닌 단어


You said:  I something like cooking I listen to podcast.

Better say: I also listen to podcast while im doing something like cooking

You said: She's daughter is always watching tv.

Better say: Her daughter is always watching  tv.

You said: When I in the subway, my gas went out my body.

Better say: I farted when I was on the subway.
